___              _ _ ____
   /   |  __________(_|_) __ \____  _  ____  __
  / /| | / ___/ ___/ / / / / / __ \| |/_/ / / /
 / ___ |(__  ) /__/ / / /_/ / /_/ />  </ /_/ /
/_/  |_/____/\___/_/_/_____/\____/_/|_|\__, /

Including API reference

The name AsciiDoxy is a combination of AsciiDoc and Doxygen. It started as a project to generate AsciiDoc documentation for APIs documented with Doxygen comments. Doxygen is still the main tool used to extract documentation from source code. AsciiDoxy uses the output from Doxygen to generate beautiful AsciiDoc documentation.

1. Extracting API reference information

To extract API reference information from your source code, you need to install Doxygen first. Doxygen will do the hard work of parsing all source code for documentation comments and extracting them to XML format. See the Doxygen manual for details about setting up Doxygen for your project.

AsciiDoxy requires the XML output from Doxygen. Your Doxygen configuration file should at least enable this XML output:

GENERATE_XML           = YES

The following Doxygen configuration will only generate the XML output and store it in a location we will later turn into an AsciiDoxy package:

OUTPUT_DIRECTORY       = /home/me/asciidoc/package  (1)
GENERATE_HTML          = NO                         (2)
GENERATE_LATEX         = NO                         (3)
GENERATE_XML           = YES                        (4)
1 Store the output in our package directory. Doxygen will create an xml subdirectory in it.
2 Do not generate the default HTML output. It is not needed for AsciiDoxy.
3 Do not generate the default LaTex output. It is not needed for AsciiDoxy.
4 Generate XML output. This is what AsciiDoxy will use.

The shown Doxygen configuration will work correctly for most C and C++ source code. For other languages, see the examples in the Doxygen section of the reference documentation.

2. Creating a package

Before AsciiDoxy can read the API reference information, it needs to be packaged. For a package in a local directory, it is sufficient to add a package content file in the root of the package directory:

name = "my-package"

[reference]       (1)
type = "doxygen"  (2)
dir = "xml"       (3)
1 This package contains API reference information.
2 The type of API reference is Doxygen output. This is currently the only supported format.
3 The xml subdirectory in the package contains the API reference information.

More information about packages can be found in the packages getting started guide and in the packages section of the reference documentation.

3. Collecting the reference package

To include the API reference package created in the previous section, AsciiDoxy needs to be told to load it. Create a package specification file with the following content:


type = "local"
package_dir = "/home/me/asciidoc/package"

When loading the package specification file, AsciiDoxy will detect that the package contains Doxygen XML output, and make it available for use in AsciiDoc files:

asciidoxy --spec-file packages.toml INPUT_FILE

4. Including API reference in AsciiDoc files

The way AsciiDoxy adds API reference information to AsciiDoc files is inspired by Sphinx for python. Instead of automatically putting all documentation from the source code in a random order in the documentation, it puts you in control of exactly what is added where. This allows you to write the documentation in a natural flow that is easier to digest.

To insert API reference use the insert command. This command requires at least the fully qualified name of the element to insert. That means that for languages that support namespaces, you need to include the full namespace in the element name. For example:


The API reference can be mixed with normal AsciiDoc content to create a narrative:

== {Cpp} interface

This is the interface for {cpp}.


== Java interface

Some text about the Java interface.


== Objective-C interface

And some text about Objective-C version.


For more options, see the documentation for insert.

5. Adjusting the level of the section headers

The inserted API reference has its own section headers. By default, these headers use a level offset of +1 from the document in which they are inserted. If this does not match your layout, you can override the default level offset with the leveloffset argument:

= {Cpp} interface

This is the interface for {cpp}.

${insert("MyNamespace::MyClass")}                     (1)

== Java interface

Some text about the Java interface.

${insert("com.asciidoxy.MyClass", leveloffset="+2")}  (2)

=== Objective-C interface

And some text about Objective-C version.

${insert("NSMyClass", leveloffset="+3")}              (3)
1 The previous header is level 1, so the default offset of +1 is fine.
2 Match the level 2 header by specifing an offset of +2.
3 Match the level 3 header by specifying an offset of +3.

6. Using a default namespace

In languages supporting namespaces most of the interfaces for one component will be in the same namespace. To avoid having to repeat the namespace for every element, you can set a default namespace to search in:


In a command referring to an API reference element, AsciiDoxy will search the default namespace first. After that it will search each namespace above the default namespace. The first matching element will be used. For example in the following case:


AsciiDoxy will search for the following elements:

  1. AsciiDoxy::Parser::ParserBase

  2. AsciiDoxy::ParserBase

  3. ::ParserBase

The first match, the one closest to the default namespace, will be used for insert.

Relative namespaces are also supported:


Here AsciiDoxy will search for:

  1. AsciiDoxy::Parser::Cpp::CppParser

  2. AsciiDoxy::Cpp::CppParser

  3. ::Cpp::CppParser

When setting a default namespace using namespace it will remain active for the rest of the file or until namespace is used again. It will even apply to files included using include. Don’t worry about usage if namespace in these included files: the previous setting is restored after the end of the included file.

For more options, see the documentation for namespace.

7. Linking to API reference elements

After inserting API reference elements, they can be linked to from the additional text. This can be in the same AsciiDoc file, or in a separate file. Even linking from another package is supported. To link to an API reference element use the link command with the fully qualified name of the element.

Use the ${insert("AsciiDoxy::Parser::ParserBase")} to create new parsers.

This will insert a link using the short name of the element:

Use the ParserBase to create new parsers.

The namespace command also applies to link. You do not need to repeat the namespace:


Use the ${link("ParserBase")} to create new parsers.

To use the fully qualified name of the element for the link text, set the full_name argument to True:

Use the ${insert("AsciiDoxy::Parser::ParserBase", full_name=True)} to create new parsers.

Use the AsciiDoxy::Parser::ParserBase to create new parsers.

An alternative link text can be set uring the text argument:

Use the ${insert("AsciiDoxy::Parser::ParserBase", text="parser base")} to create new parsers.

Use the parser base to create new parsers.

For more options, see the documentation for link.

8. Warnings

AsciiDoxy will issue warnings if there are issues with the inserted API reference. Some common warnings are:

ReferenceNotFoundError: "Cannot find any NAME for any"

The API reference information does not contain any language element with the name NAME. Did you write the correct name, and used the correct namespace?

AmbiguousReferenceError: "Multiple matches for NAME. Please provide more details."

Multiple elements have been found that match the given name. AsciiDoxy does not know which one you want to use. A list of candidates will be shown as part of the warning. See the reference for the command used for options to select a specific candidate.

ConsistencyError: "The following elements are linked to, but not included in the documentation"

This happens when using link for an element that was not added using insert. Make sure you add all the API reference you need. If the element is inserted in another AsciiDoc file, there may be a missing include for that file.

This may also be caused transitively by insert. If the element depends on another element, e.g. in a method argument type, AsciiDoxy inserts an link for that element. The warning will inform you that you need to make sure you include all dependencies as well.

You can change these warnings into critical errors by using the command-line option --warnings-are-errors. This is useful to generate errors in CI builds.

9. More to come…​

The AsciiDoxy documentation is still being written. Expect more documentation about:

  • Filtering what is inserted.

  • Transcoding related languages.

  • …​
